You Are Powerful, Beautiful, Brilliant, Brave, and So Much More

Are You Thinking You’re Not?

It isn’t unusual if you don’t see and acknowledge your greatest qualities. That is partly because it isn’t encouraged in our society. Instead you are told it is bragging or arrogance to say anything good about yourself. Yet, those qualities are still there.

In your inner world, it’s important to have self-talk that is inspiring and motivating. If you figured out something that had been an obstacle in your life, give yourself credit for it. Be brilliant.. If someone overstepped your boundaries and you respectfully let them know it is not okay, give yourself credit for being empowered and brave.

Since most of your self-talk doesn’t hit our consciousness, it can greatly influence the trajectory of your life. That is the reason it is important to sometimes pause and consider what you are saying to yourself.

How Do You Know If You Are Stuck in Being Unkind to Yourself?

Here are some ways you may be unkind to yourself:

  • Do you swear at yourself when you make a mistake or say something that you regret?
  • Do you even end up obsessing over it?
  • Do you blame yourself every time something goes wrong?
  • Are you envious of what others have or do?
  • Are you frustrated that you never seem to be heard?
  • Do you dislike your body or struggle with energy or feeling well?

What Can You Do to Change That Unkindness?

Here a few ideas to explore:

  • Take any negative thought you have and write a new story about it.
  • Meditation – especially a guided one about whatever topic you are troubled with.
  • Watch You-Tube inspirational videos.
  • Find a chant that lifts you.
  • Find an online course that you find fascinating to delve into.
  • Read and re-read your favorite uplifting books.
  • Take a walk and notice the beauty of nature.
  • Create a special journal for the area you struggle with and explore your thoughts and feelings until you feel you have it mastered.
  • My favorite: Ask “What is it I need to understand to change this?” The intuitive hits—my answers—always brings me new awareness and happiness.

The Rewards of Caring Self-Talk

In my journey and when working with coaching clients, I’ve learned there are numerous rewards to paying attention to what you are saying to yourself.  Here are just a few of them:

  • Know what you want and let go of what you don’t want.
  • Live each day being focused on the present moment.
  • See the transformational information in your challenges, obstacles, or conflicts
  •  Total healing is possible.
  • Trust that when it comes down to it, we will do the right thing. We are all good within our minds and hearts.
  • Learning the meaning of love and how to express it.
  •  Become empowered by accepting all your feelings, including those that feel negative..
  • Our shadow side is a real part of us and when we acknowledge it fully the inner fight stops (and we are further empowered).
  • When we love, accept, and forgive ourselves we will experience a deeper love and compassion for the human condition. We are one.
  • As we practice loving detachment and respectful boundaries, we become clearer who we are and who others are.
  • We are not in this life alone. The diversity in our world is to teach us we have our perception and others have their perceptions. Together we can double, triple, or exponentially increase our awareness.
  • The true meaning of serenity is a quiet, gentle happiness.
  • There is a place called peace. It starts and ends with when become authentic and speak our truth. It is to come alive.
  • When we come alive, we experience a humble confidence.
  • All experiences are paths to coming alive and that’s when life becomes really exciting.


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