What’s Your Priority?

Have You Thought About Your Priorities?

What order are the priorities in your life? Each one is valuable and an important component of a good life.

  1. Your family
  2. Your career
  3. Your physical well-being
  4. Your spiritual or religious practice
  5. Your emotional strength
  6. Your ability to manifest your goals
  7. Your focus
  8. Your friends
  9. Your relationship with yourself
  10. Finding your voice
  11. Being of service to others
  12. The expression of love

Love is Always the Answer

If you have been following my blogs, you probably know the guiding light—my highest priority—has been learning the meaning of love and how to express it.

With this guiding me plus a personal solution-finding process, all my other priorities fall into place in balance and promise for me.

Life is Amazingly Complex

Life can be overwhelming because all those items on the list above are important. To neglect any one of them can throw you out of kilter which in turn makes life a real challenge of putting out fires right and left.

Turning Complex into Exciting

The one thing I know for sure is life has a way, each day, of bringing the most valuable priority up for you to work on. It is almost uncanny and, yes, sometimes the challenge will last for more than a day.

Take the hint and work on the challenge before you. It’s your opportunity to explore its deeper meaning, find where it touches your heart, and develop a new addition to the structure of your identity.

In other words, each challenge in the day offers you an opportunity to get to know the real, authentic, wonderful soul you are.

Taking on each day’s challenge is what makes life exciting. Why? Because when you take the challenge, you are growing and moving. Otherwise, you are stuck and spending a lot of time and energy lost. You may spend time over-analyzing or distracting yourself from the past baggage that has been triggered. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Pulling an Exciting Life Together

The bottom line is in order to live an exciting and fulfilling life, you need to start with being open to dealing with all your priorities when they show up—and they will. The life-changing focus is learning what personal solution-finding process will help you level up because you’ve dealt with these opportunities.

Make this your #1 priority and you will be pleasantly surprised how life become greater than your wildest dreams.



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