What’s Your Pain Point?

A pain point is something that is causing you troubles, most likely over and over. A pain point can range from very mild discomfort to unimaginable, unspeakable misery. Someone can have a pain point about their finances, career, relationships, family dynamics, spirituality, physical well-being, emotions, focus, reaching their goals, and many more. Simply put, a pain point is a problem, real or perceived, that isn’t getting resolved.

As a Come Alive Coach, I’ve become very sensitive in finding people’s pain points. I then mentor people to find solutions to those areas that are painful for them.

Here are five steps I’ve found that can be instrumental in bringing you out of your pain points (not to mention hiring a life coach):

  1. Acknowledge what is bothering you.
  2. Launch your inner detective to research some possible solution options.
  3. Initiate your personal solution-finding process.
  4. Visualize your ideal life without the nagging problem—being emotionally strong and mentally focused.
  5. Experience what you’re intuitively guided to do and live the best you can in your ideal life until it becomes a healing habit.

My personal pain points used to be fear of rejection, looking stupid or weak, hesitant to ask for help.  However, one of my strengths is curiosity to find the understanding to bring me out of those pain points and any challenge that I face. Another one of my strengths is persistence until I’m sure the new understanding has brought me to peace and freedom.

What are your pain points and what strengths do you have to bring you out of them?

Graph by Dan Shewan from his article – Pain Points: A Guide to Finding & Solving Your Customers’ Problems

One Comment

  1. Julia White says
    Jan 31, 2020

    I know first hand what your coaching can do! After reading this blog post I feel like it is a continuation of one of our coaching sessions! I am very grateful for you and for your presence on your website.

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