What is that Present Moment Living Stuff?

It Can’t Be Done

Well, maybe it can. My research into present moment living made a lot of sense. It meant you let go of your past and didn’t worry about the future.

When you have baggage, your past and future keep haunting you. However, most of us realize at some point that to find peace and freedom, we need to find a way to deal with our past and plan our future rather than worry or fuss about it.

Until you reach a point that your past baggage is minimal and you have clarity about your future plans, you may experience present moment living on a limited basis.

How Does Present Moment Living Feel?

Let me give you a few examples to see if you aren’t already experiencing some present moment living.

  • Driving down the road and you realize you aren’t doing anything but enjoying the scenery. You aren’t thinking about any challenges you are facing; life is generally good.
  • You are becoming skilled at meditating and/or yoga and able to let go of what may be going on around you and focus on your breathing or positions.
  • You and your partner love to dance and the only thing you are thinking of is the music and the next move.
  • You are an athlete and have moments of being in the “zone”.
  • You are working on a project that you are passionate about and lose track of time.
  • You journal in a spontaneous manner and connect with the real inner you.

What is the Value of Living in the Present Moment?

Present moment living is a sign you have come alive. You have developed a philosophy about life’s challenges being the answer to your goals and your need to make changes. You have created a personal process to bring you the understanding that keeps you growing and thriving.

In other words, you are living a good life knowing it can still get better.

What Will Support You Living in the Present Moment?

Simply put, pay attention to what you are thinking and feeling. If it supports your peace and freedom, celebrate.  If it causes you worry or doubt, challenge it to understand what positive message it is trying to teach you.

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