See It, Believe It, and Have It

Just finished a 21-Day journey on visualizations with Mike Dooley, author of Infinite Possibilities. It was on the level of life-changing new information! Here are some ideas and benefits of using visualization as a part of your coming alive process.
All Manifesting Starts with Deep Wanting
When I work with clients, most times they start off with what they don’t want. Because I often say, “What we focus on increases,” we start to work on creating a new story of what they want—really, really want. Visualization is one of the most empowering tools to support making changes and reaching your goals.
Why Does Visualization Work?
Frank Niles, Ph.D., social scientist and life and business strategist, answers this question:
“According to research using brain imagery, visualization works because neurons in our brains, those electrically excitable cells that transmit information, interpret imagery as equivalent to a real-life action. When we visualize an act, the brain generates an impulse that tells our neurons to “perform” the movement. This creates a new neural pathway — clusters of cells in our brain that work together to create memories or learned behaviors — that primes our body to act in a way consistent to what we imagined. All of this occurs without actually performing the physical activity, yet it achieves a similar result.”
How Do You Visualize?
Visualization is like living your life right now (in the present moment), except it’s in the future. When you are currently living your life, you are seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling what is going on around you. When you have a change or goal you want to accomplish, visualizing what it would look like, sound like, taste like, feels like, and smell like is a good start. Moreover, adding how others would react and how you feel emotionally adds more oomph to your journey.
For example, you want to lose some weight. Can you visualize yourself more flexible and stronger, wearing smaller sized clothing, loving exercising and the healthy food you are eating, having others rave about how good you look, and feeling so victorious?
That’s visualization!
How to Support Your Visualizations
There are seven areas to support the journey to your goal:
- Make it a daily ritual or spontaneously do your visualization when you think of your goal.
- Have a sense of perseverance when you meet challenges.
- Know that your challenges may give you important insights on the next step you need to take if you look for new understanding.
- Put passion and strong feelings behind your visualization—dance it, sing it, or anything that brings your energy up.
- Take some time to stop everything and just rest– zone out and dream.
- Start to live your life in small ways “as if” you were already there. If weight reduction is your goal—walk faster, enjoy your food as a “get to” versus a “have to” (I get to eat this salad.)
- Create a vision board and put it in a place where you will see it frequently.
What Are You Going to Visualize Today?
Today, I am going to continue visualizing successfully reaching my goal of reversing diabetes. I am almost there!