Master “It” and “It” Will Go Away

A View of Mastery
When I learned that we didn’t have to repeat life’s lessons over and over if we just mastered them, I was excited. Mastery became my mantra. Eventually, it led me to the concept that all of my challenges were to support finding mastery.
Here some areas of mastery that are life-enhancing:
- Mastery of your emotions—stop having reactive freak-outs and instead, look for reasoned responses.
- Mastery of how to manifest your goals—learn how to mentally focus on your goals with razor-sharp clarity and have a solution-finding process when obstacles get in the way.
- Mastery of your physical well-being– disconnect your emotions from food, thus eating well, and enjoy daily exercise.
- Mastery of your relationship connection skills– by be authentic and speak your truth.
- Mastery of your spirituality– a resource you are able to connect with.
Need I Say How Valuable Mastery Is?
Here’s what coming alive—mastery—brings you:
- Know what you want and let go of what you don’t .
- Focus on your dreams and the gifts life brings you.
- Challenges, obstacles, or conflicts contain transformational information. You only need to be open to learn it.
- Vulnerability is where healing starts. Healing is never denied. If it feels like your healing has been denied, a greater healing may be on its way.
- Trust that when it comes down to it, you will do the right thing. You are all good within your mind and heart.
- What goes around comes around – give what you want to get.
- With the radical acceptance of all our feelings, including those that feel negative, you become empowered.
- Your shadow side is a real part of you and when you acknowledge it fully, the inner fight stops, and you are further empowered.
- All conflict can be a door to a closer bond to others if you remain focused on the thought all expressions are love or a call for love.
- When you love, accept, and forgive yourself, you will experience a deeper love and compassion for the human condition. We are one.
- As you practice loving detachment and respectful boundaries, you become clearer who you are and who others are.
- The true meaning of serenity is a quiet, gentle happiness. It includes an overall sense of balance and peace. There is a calmness and faith in my life process that is in “the flow.”
- Present moment living is an exercise in the strength of our thoughts. Any thoughts about the past and future have no power. To think they do is an illusion.
- There is a place called peace. It starts and ends with when you become authentic and speak your truth. It is to come alive.
- When you come alive, you experience a humble confidence.
- All experiences are paths to come alive.
How Do You Master Your Life Challenges?
There is no big secret because it is as simple as wanting something with all your heart. If there is any reason you cannot put all of your heart into making the changes you want to master some area of your life, consider it your first challenge. Ask yourself, “What is it I need to understand to master this challenge?”
Make these two steps a part of your personal solution-finding process and you will master life way beyond your wildest dreams.