
We so diligently pursue our character flaws and our misunderstandings always looking for healing of our pain. This is good. Sometimes though we need a little rest and think about what is going right. Recently, I was all snuggled up in my warm bed reading, resting, and feeling very happy. I let my thoughts flow through me…this is what came.

Can you Find Yourself in Happiness?

It is warm. It hums.
It is a giggle, a chuckle, and an outright belly laugh.
It is a tickle, a kiss on the cheek, a hug, a foot rub, and holding hands.
It is quiet…the chatter of my mind and calmness of my heart has finally found harmony.
It is cuddling up in a warm blanket…rest from a busy day.
It is a cool breeze on a hot summer day…momentary relief from life’s struggles.
It is letting go of the inner war…because I understand now it was always only within myself.
It is comfortable inner wisdom…a synchronistic knowing that leads me to my next journey.
It is the lifting of my pain…on the wings of healthy self-love.
It is going to my special place of serenity…where I recharge my courage and strength.
It is feeling full and warm inside…when all around me is others’ hunger pulling at me.
It is writing a poem, a book, or a loving letter.
It is drawing stick figures or painting fine art or, maybe, finger painting.
It is walking, running, or swimming feeling my breath, muscles, and beating heart and an explosion of joy.
It is having the house clean and dinner done so I can enjoy my company.
It is loving to hear of others’ good fortune.
It is conquering a demon…and doing a big hand pump.
It is a baby’s smile and smell and good burps.
It is a wholeness…that comes from loving all of me – my beauty and my warts.
It is a determination…I have earned my happiness.
It is a strength…I can work it out whatever happens.
It is soft arms holding me, supporting me…even when life is dark and ugly.
It is a dream so high I feel the wings of angels fluttering.
It is seeing God’s miracles every day in the lives of ordinary people like me.
Most of all, it is my connection to God…when heart to heart I trust I am never really alone.

Peace and happiness to you all.

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