Goals – A Statement of Who I Am

This is something I wrote over 20 years ago. Still applies.

I’m a seeker by nature and because of this I am automatically labeled, by some, a goal-oriented person. I set my energy to do something; either do it or not do it, and regroup what happened. Yet, so simply stated, much of goal setting would be a mind game with no real substance or depth. I know we could become wealthy, highly influential, even dynamic mental giants, and more, yet still lack the spiritual maturity of knowing what all our goal setting efforts serve.

I know this because I witness the lack of substance in a lot of humanity every day in the sights and sounds and thoughts and feelings of the rich and intelligent and powerful. I have come to understand also that the change or growth or reward I experience from the successful attainment of a goal is not the disciplined, forced relinquishment of a counterproductive habit. Successful accomplishment of a goal is the step-by-step process of acceptance of my natural abilities and wisdom which have only been obscured from my view – obscured by societal misunderstanding and pressures — until I reached for that new goal.

So, on some level I will always be a seeker. I have come to understand my searching a little better though. Goals, and the refinement of those goals through the setting, achievement or failure, resetting and re-achievement or re-failure, are the vehicles I use to discover to the finest most subtle detail of my spiritual reality; the beautiful, loving energy of a unique being – me.

How do I find goals that lead me to my crystal-clear perfect spirit, my personal best, my special musical chord? Goals must invoke my passion. Goals must cause me to take risks – to walk into my fears. Goals must be high or big enough to bring out that seeker, that curious part of me that brings excitement to my life.

Thus, my goals become a statement of what I am.

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