Do You Fight Yourself?

The Fight Within

What is meant by the “fight within”?  Simply put, the fight within is when your true self, the that is naturally calm, caring, compassionate, and cooperative you, meets your baggage.

This fight within can be so subtle you don’t even know you are fighting yourself. It can show up as some dissatisfaction with anything from your physical well-being to a close relationship—anything.

For example, you might fight yourself when you need to say something important to someone and hesitate because you don’t like confrontation. You might fight yourself because you’re unhappy with your career and don’t know what the next step is. Maybe you feel you aren’t successful with your goals. Any time you feel off, confused, doubtful, emotional, or anything except excited, there’s a good chance you are fighting yourself.

Why Is Fighting Yourself Problem?

Here is the downside to inner fighting:

  • It gets in your way.
  • It gets in your way.
  • It gets in your way.

Why Do You Fight Yourself?

Going to go mind function technical here. Bear with me—it will help to free you.

We come out of our childhood with lack of understanding or misunderstanding. As children we don’t have the language or concepts to process what is going on. That lack of understanding and misunderstanding turns into childlike messages that eventually become unconscious. I call them blank spots.  Those blank spots are even more difficult to deal with because unlike difficult events in your life you don’t remember those messages you came up with as a child. Yet, they are there and feeling off is a good sign one has just came up.

What Do You Do to Stop Inner Fighting?

Here are a few simple steps to remedy to inner fighting:

  1. Be mindful so you know when you have hit an inner fight.
  2. Ask yourself, “What is it I need to understand to resolve this dilemma?”
  3. Listen or watch for guidance (from your Higher Self, the Universe, God—it all works.)
  4. Act on the guidance.

The Rewards

In my journey to learn to calm my inner fights, the reward came in Step #3 when I received guidance. The new understanding and awareness of how another part of life and relationships worked always delighted me. Something about being successful and learning how being successful worked motivated me to do it again, and again, and again. Now I reach every goal I set.  Are you ready to do the same?

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