How Does One Stay Positive?
Many of you are facing great challenges—your work slowing down or even closing, your children not going to school, your worry about not feeling well, and then there is your concern for family and friends. It can be overwhelming at the least.
Unfortunately, most people […]
Read MoreThere’s a personality trait, sometimes viewed as a subclinical condition, called alexithymia, which is characterized by an inability to recognize, identify and describe your own emotions. … most people have never heard of alexithymia.
No, I’m not going clinical on you. Instead, I’m going to give you some tips on […]
Read MoreJack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, says, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” When we start to consider that, we might be motivated to figure out and even redefine our fears.
Lately, with all the Coronavirus issues ascending on us, fear has come […]
Read MoreWhat is underneath a Need for Attention?
One of the greatest needs people have is to feel they make an impact on others. If you struggle with low self-esteem or feeling unworthy, you may be feel like no one sees your value or your special talents or skills. You may […]
Read MoreIt Can’t Be Done
Well, maybe it can. My research into present moment living made a lot of sense. It meant you let go of your past and didn’t worry about the future.
When you have baggage, your past and future keep haunting you. However, most of us realize at […]
Read MoreDo You Find It Hard to Focus?
Life is busy, complicated, and can be downright chaotic. That makes it hard to keep going in one direction. Focusing on what you want will change that. It is said in so many ways:
What you focus on is what becomes powerful.
Read MoreIs It Trust, Judgment, or Discernment?
The quick answer is all the above. The only time trust, judgment, or discernment becomes a problem is when they stop you from moving forward or cause you to disconnect from others too much.
Let’s focus on trust because it’s your judgment and discernment […]
Read MoreThe Fight Within
What is meant by the “fight within”? Simply put, the fight within is when your true self, the that is naturally calm, caring, compassionate, and cooperative you, meets your baggage.
This fight within can be so subtle you don’t even know you are fighting yourself. It can […]
Read MoreThe Seriousness Trap
Much is written about the importance of de-stressing, relaxing, and self-care. As a coach, I’ve discovered a lot of people get overly serious or get lost in solving childhood and young adult issues forgetting how important pleasure is. I was one of them.
My life didn’t start […]
Read MoreA pain point is something that is causing you troubles, most likely over and over. A pain point can range from very mild discomfort to unimaginable, unspeakable misery. Someone can have a pain point about their finances, career, relationships, family dynamics, spirituality, physical well-being, emotions, focus, reaching their goals, and […]
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