Signs You’re on the Right Path

A Two-by-Four Along Side the Head?

There is a saying that when someone is stubborn  it takes a 2 x 4 alongside their head to get their attention. It is a little violent for this woman’s sensitive nature, but a recent experience taught me that when working intently on a goal the whole Universe conspires to make it happen. Kind of like a 2×4 to the head!

A Goal Led Me to Re-Examine My Lifestyle

In my journey to improve my health, let go of more weight, and even reverse diabetes, it became clear I needed to address some underlying stress in my life. It seems that I have a habit of always looking for solutions—a good thing as a life coach—though maybe not such a good thing for me personally. It seems I always found challenges at every turn to work on. Unfortunately, that left little time for fun and relaxation. It became clear to me that in order to reach my goal, , I need to look at my underlying stress.

Synchronistic Events and New Insights

Here are some of the signals that I received in my openness to find ways to change my lifestyle. Each one of them validated I was on the right track:

  • A TED talk for an educational moment at my networking group suggested that in order to be resilient you needed to play, connect with others, and have some down time.
  • My doctor suggested I research cortisol—the stress hormone. The common denominator in all my research… rest, meditate, have fun, get out in nature, deep breathe.
  • Some reading of Mike Dooley’s Playing the Matrix : A Program for Living Deliberately and Creating Consciously suggests my path to healing may need to teach what I most need to learn—to be humorous and have fun. My daily inspirations emails changed to supportive, fun words.
  • Multiple 5’s all over the place—it’s meaning? Googling the meaning of seeing multiple 5’s I found it is about major life changes coming, personal freedom, and making positive choices.
  • I feel better physically and emotionally…more than I EVER, EVER have.
  • I keep seeing Facebook posts about having fun and relaxing.
  • Realize that I do not “have” to do anything, I “get” to do what I choose. This made me emotionally stronger and able to say “enough” at any time when food was calling me.
  • Learning that when I was “yearning” for food, I was really yearning for warm, comforting feelings.
  • I received emails and newsletters about relaxing and de-stressing.
  • After reviewing my medical records, I realize I lost 31 pounds since the beginning of 2020.
  • While reading more about the food plan I follow,  I discovered that the author recommends two 20-minute breaks a day to de-stress.

What Did I Do?

Three things that support my goal of better health and reversing diabetes.

  1. Breaks – From 8 to 10 pm every evening, I turn off the tv, limit smartphone usage to fun activities, journal, write heart-felt pieces that bring me warm and comforting feelings, and I take two 20-minute breaks.
  2. Acknowledge my Feelings – I’ve begun to monitor my thoughts and feelings to see if what is going on needs to be acknowledged by just resting with it for a while and not thinking I had to act on it.
  3. Connections – I am reaching out to people I know for conversation, socializing, and suggestions for ways to have some fun.

What Was the Result (so far)?

Besides the 31 pounds I let go of, I am off almost all my diabetic and high blood pressure meds. I am taking a small amount of insulin and when the rest of the weight comes off, I will no longer require insulin at all .

The best result is knowing I can confidently address even HUGE goals in my life and know that the Universe transpired to make them happen and would give me feedback along the way. Not nearly as painful as a whack on the head and even more effective for living my best life.

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