What You Focus on Increases

Do You Find It Hard to Focus?

Life is busy, complicated, and can be downright chaotic. That makes it hard to keep going in one direction. Focusing on what you want will change that.  It is said in so many ways:
What you focus on is what becomes powerful.

  • What you focus on expands.
  • Whatever you focus on is what you get!
  • What you focus on you attract.
  • What you focus on grows in meaning.
  • What you focus on becomes reality.
  • What you focus on you become.

How is it So?

The simple answer is your experiences have the incredible capacity to change the brain. The brain will build habits and pathways around your experiences, especially repeated experiences.  In other words, what you pay attention to will shape your brain, which will then shape your experiences, your relationships, your life.

As explained by Karen Young in her Hey Sigmund article, “By directing your focus and staying with your experience, you can change your brain and shape it towards a more positive, compassionate, resilient, kinder, happier, more empowered and contented way of being. You can turn positive experiences into positive brain changes, which will in turn change your day to day experience.”

Why Knowing This is SOOOOO Valuable

The reason “what you focus on increases” is so valuable is because focusing on your ideal life is the foundation to being successful with any goal you set and will bring you the new understanding you need to move forward.  Think about it. If you knew how to reach your goal, you would be doing it, right! So, the focus will activate the mind to help you bring you the understanding for what you need.

How Do You Stay Focused?

There are many ways you can get and stay focused.  Here are a few of them. Pick the one that resonates with you the most or choose several.  It is a personal process.

  • Use The Passion Test line to find goals that touch your heart: My life is ideal, I am _________________.
  • Put your goals on 3 x 5 cards and read them each day visualizing what it looks like and feels like to reach your goals.
  • Journal about your goals, asking the question, “What is it I need to understand to reach this goal?”
  • See challenges as the answer to the new understanding that will bring the change you want. Lean in to all your challenges teach you.
  • Develop a process to bring you back to calm and peaceful. This will allow you to be open to intuitive answers.

Be the One Who Says You Reach Every Goal You Set

You can do this!

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