What is Your Story? What is Your Dream?

What you think about your life is often called your story.  A bit of my story involves weighing 315 pounds, being severely depressed, and basically lost about how to live a happy life.

The good news my story changed. Today I’m nearly 100 pounds lighter and counting, a soon to be published author of my Come Alive book series, a Come Alive Coach with a proprietary Personal Empowerment Guide (trade mark) program as well as a Come Alive Coaching system that has changed the lives of my clients, and lately a bodybuilder.

It started with digging deep into my heart and acknowledging my dreams. But even before I could even acknowledge my dreams, I had to start changing my story. I had to move out of feeling like a victim, out of being a survivor, out of not liking myself, into appreciating that I did have some value to myself and maybe others, to actually living it.

At 315 pounds:

At 100 pounds gone and counting

Here is the good news–you can do it too!!!!

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